Which is more dangerous to our democracy and the wellbeing of our society: A fabricated Sharia takeover or undisclosed campaign funding sources? Click here for the article!
Read what was edited out of my Hannity radio debate with Horowitz
I debated David Horowitz on Sean Hannity radio show a couple of days ago. Point blank Horowitz asked me if I would agree to the building of a synagogue near ground zero if the 9-11 terrorists were Jewish. I answered him with a clear YES, saying “I am American first and foremost and my actions […]
Another casualty of the rhetoric against American Muslims: NY cab driver allegedly stabbed for being Muslim!
http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/cabbie_stabbed_for_being_muslim_i_feel_very_sad_1.php It is not a surprise this is happening now. The fiery rhetoric against American Muslims is inflaming anger and hostility. When will it stop? I just had another Hannity Radio Show debate with David Horowitz, which I will post tomorrow. I am not sure what his Freedom Center is doing about preserving our freedom […]