My Hannity Show debate was about State Question 755, which bans Oklahoma courts from considering Sharia in their cases. I am not a lawyer but as an American I see this as a direct violation of the First Amendment and blurring to the line separating state and religion. What’s worse is that this is snowballing […]
Setting the record straight on Hannity Show
I was supposed to discuss religious persecution in Iran and Pakistan on the Hannity Show. Instead, the conversation shifted to the old topic of the radicalism of Imam Abdul Rauf of the Islamic center near Ground Zero. Luckily this time around I had more time to set the record straight on the Imam as a […]
Fears of Sharia vs. undisclosed campaign funding
Which is more dangerous to our democracy and the wellbeing of our society: A fabricated Sharia takeover or undisclosed campaign funding sources? Click here for the article!
Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle warns of Muslim take over of America
Once again, the rhetoric of Sharia taking over America has been exploited by Nevada Tea Party member Sharron Angle in her recent interview with the Mesquite Local News. You can listen to it here around 43 minutes in. “First of all, Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under Constitutional law. Not Sharia […]